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The Emerge Shelter :


This is a space where the achievements of The Emerge  shelter   and Baby University are showcased . As of now, we are looking for sponsors to help us continue helping individuals achieve their goals !! WE WRIGHZERS HAVE REGULAR 9-5'S so, IMAGINE what would be accomplished with a  donation or connection!

Denny -

A guy with a heart of Gold. Once we began our work, he was able to transition past the ceiling in his life to the next part which includes a fiance and a full-time job.

Sahli -

Sahli a.k.a Red, was at one point a very successful business owner.For him,suddenly his life took a turn for the worst.  His english was only intermediate, to make matters worse. Through our educational resources,  was able to apply to many jobs, acquiring 2 of them and has been able to pass to another state and begin working on his music.

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